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Professional Profile - December 2010

Pieter de Vries ACS is one of Australia’s most well known cinematographers and has photographed many important and acclaimed television series over his career.

His work schedule ranges across a variety of areas relating to the film and television industry – foremost as a working cinematographer, but also as a writer contributing to various professional and enthusiasts magazines. Pieter has a long association as a manufacturer's industry representative and cinematography consultant.

He has received international recognition for cinematography and received high praise and numerous awards.

He worked with US director James Cameron as topside DP on the 3D Imax film, “Ghosts of the Abyss”, revisiting the wreck of the Titanic, using the Sony/Panavision High Definition 3D format.

“RAT” and “Animalicious” are both co-productions with National Geographic and Beyond Productions. “RAT” earned him the Australian Cinematographer of the Year Award at the 1998 Australian Cinematographers Society Awards. His work on this film additionally received an Emmy nomination.

Pieter strongly believes in sharing knowledge and when he’s not working as a cinematographer, he’s showing others his craft. The role of educator takes a considerable slab of time as the search for knowledge grows in step with the development of new technology.

Over the past few years there has been a revolution in video making - DSLR's like the Canon 5D Mark II and even a consumer level model from Sony, the NEX-VG10 have opened up the possibility of making full HD movies with an almost cinematic quality.

Stills photographers have been fascinated with the potential of the new features but have often floundered when they realise that making good short movies is nowhere as easy as it looks.
He has teamed up with one of Australia's finest photographers, Nick Rains to offer a series of DSLR workshops and seminars aimed at anyone who has recognised the need to incorporate video into their businesses.

Pieter brings decades of experience as a cinematographer working with high end video and film cameras, and Nick offers the perspective of 28 years as a stills photographer who has recognised and developed the potential of HD video for his business.
Pieter: “it is certain that understanding and delivering mixed media content will be an incredibly useful tool as the publishing industry transitions to delivery on tablet computers, phones and iPads etc. Print clients are beginning to request video clips from their stills photographers so an understanding of how to produce decent footage will be essential in the future”.

Pieter de Vries has a comprehensive website, www.pieterdevries.com.au that encompasses video and pdf tutorials plus answers to many common video and lighting questions. He conducts weekend workshops, one-on-one sessions and targeted corporate training in video and lighting techniques.

In a recent article for Better Digital Camera magazine Pieter, talking about the use of available light in video production writes:
“Photographers and cinematographers alike observe light and the way it influences things. It could be harsh summer sunlight that casts strong unappealing overhead shadows, or a ray of warm afternoon light as it rakes across the landscape after a rain shower. Light, and the way it falls, sets a mood.

"The challenge for the cinematographer is to be able to take advantage of these naturally occurring lighting conditions.”

Piet contributes to magazines including Mac World, Better Digital Camera, Content and Technology and Miller Sharp Shooters.

We will be introducing a number of segments from Pieter on showreelfinder.com next year.



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