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Anyone For Chocolate?

6 November 2009

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November Profile - Arri D-21

1 November 2009

This month we detail the Arri D-21 digital camera.  Unique in featuring an optical viewfinder that works without power and shows an image area outside the primary image.

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Updates Round Up

31 October 2009

New work updated recently from Production Designer David Ingram,  Director Kim Reddin, DP Geoff Hall ACS, Designer/Art director Aaron Crothers, DP Matt Stewart ACS, DP Tony Luu ACS.

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October Profile - Director Jon Gwyther

1 October 2009

Director Jon Gwyther is profiled this month in our regular profile section. We're interested in proposals to profile your career, company or service in the area.

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Build A Showreel Online and Save It As A DVD

28 September 2009

Now you can create showreels on the web. We can store your full quality video assets and give you full control of the running order, format, and delivery destination.

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