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'Tangier' - cinemetographer Simon Ozolins


At the start of 2010, on the back of his Aria award for Empire of The Sun "Walking on a dream" director Josh Logue of The Feds was approached to make a clip for the late, great Billy Thorpe's final album "Tangier". The album was inspired by Thorpe's time in Morocco where the album was written and partly recorded. It was only natural then that Josh and his producer Rebecca Bennett were Morrocco bound with fellow Australians, DOP Simon Ozolins and art director Pete Davies.

Actor Noah Taylor flew in to meet them on location and over the next 8 days ensued the creation of a piece that is a mix between The English Patient, Mad Max and The Fall. Shot on the Canon 5D the piece was edited by Simon Njoo at Guillotine and post done at Fuel VFX. Watch out for the trailer in cinemas from this week.